Yoga philosophy explains the concept of being in a ghost body and even how certain types of meditation can lead the yogi to inhabit such a body for a vast period of time. Here we’ll examine Sutra 1.19 of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras where this meditation is described.
Author: Giridhari Das
There are three aspects of God described in the yoga tradition: Brahman, Paramatma, and Bhagavan.
According to yoga philosophy, one of the biggest obstacles to happiness is having your mind slipping away from the here and now, fantasizing about something in the future. Here we’ll read text 2.7 of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, where he directly explains why this happens.
In Yoga, we’re not afraid of the Devil. Instead, we’re afraid of ignorance.
I explain the concept of how spiritual progress is not lost, first by reading the first Bhagavad-gita verse to describe this, which is found in Chapter 2, verse 40. I then present more what Krishna explains in Chapter 6 of the Gita and give examples from the Srimad Bhagavatam to boost.
Krishna explains the 3 gateways to hell in Bhagavad-gita 16.21.
Let’s see here how Patanjali explains how to attain perfection in the Yoga Sutras, in sutra 1.20.
Detachment in the Yoga Sutras 1.15
Let’s see here how Patanjali defines detachment in the Yoga Sutras, in sutra 1.15.
How Can You Advance Spiritually?
How can we guarantee steady progress in our spiritual growth? What should we do to make sure we are continuously advancing? What are the key practices and what is sadhana? The secret lies in what I call the 3T Method.
What Are the Benefits of Meditation?
Here we’ll list some of the basic scientifically-proven benefits of meditation, as well as the traditional reasons for meditating.